The Rotary Club of Fonthill is excited to announce that we have presented a cheque for $8000 to Big Brothers Big Sisters South Niagara at our weekly morning meeting from Niagara Mudfest Challenge proceeds. We could not have done this without the very generous support of our sponsors, Bissell’s Hideaway, Pen Financial Fonthill Branch, RBC Dominion Securities, Welland Honda, Sobey's Fonthill, Zavcor Trucking, Boggio Family of Pharmacies, Tim Horton’s Fonthill, Contour Foot Care, Pelham Volunteer Firefighters, Station 3 and Kwik Fit Niagara. The Club also presented a cheque for $1,000 to the Rotaract Club of Niagara in recognition of their volunteer labour. After 6 years of dirty mud fun, this is the last Mudfest Challenge. Major donations have also previously been made to Pelham Cares, Wellspring Niagara and End Polio Now Campaign.