Rory Butler, Founder and CEO of 'Your Life Counts,' spoke about suicide prevention Wednesday Morning.   Rory speaks with experience and understanding about suicide prevention - and the lack thereof in Canada.

Canada leads worldwide with 4000 plus suicides annually.   Many factors lead to depression, which can lead to suicidal tendencies - even drugs meant to alleviate depression can be the culprit.   Teenagers being bullied are high risk subjects.   Lack of self esteem, unemployment, and societal stigmas add to depression/suicide risks.   Rory is making a most precious contribution with his insight and dedication, guiding people at risk towards a better goal.   He is working with government agencies trying to set up a government Suicide Prevention Agency, under the Ministry of Health -  something all other G7 countries have, but Canada lacks.

Canada has a 5% Native population, some of which live in harsh climate, with lack of sunshine, high unemployment, substance abuse, non of which leads to healthy happy living.   In 2004, our government set aside 50 million dollars to help our native population with this endemic - the money disappeared, and the situation is worse than ever. Why? 

Now, dedicating his life to saving the lives of others, young and old, Rory can be reached at his office at the Seaway Mall, or by Googleing YLC (Your Life Counts).

Rory, you are an inspiration to us all... Thank you for everything you do? 

