Purse Bingo
Ann Harrison
09 Nov 2022 |
The Rotary Club of Fonthill is pleased to be holding a Purse Bingo on November 9th. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the first game will start at 7 p.m. We will have 10 luxury purses and a special game ( at an additional cost ) for a deluxe package. We will also have a cash bar and 50/50 draw.
Proceeds will go to support nutrition programs at the five Pelham elementary schools (St. Alexander's, St. Ann's Fenwick, A.K. Wigg, Glynn A Green and Wellington Heights) as well as for a scholarship at E.L.Crossley Secondary School.
Tickets for the standard 10 games are $40 and can be ordered and reserved by emailing pursebingo@rotarycluboffonthill.ca
Stay tuned for more information and details throughout the fall.